Talc / Steatite

Talc is the softest mineral (occupying place 1 in the Mohs” hardness scale) known on our planet earth. It is lamellar, platy, organophilic, water repellent with special thermal and mechanical properties. It has a high capacity for absorbing organic substances. It is also acid & alkali-resistant, chemically inert and non-toxic. Tale has neither aroma nor taste.

This makes it a very essential mineral in our day-to-day life. In Paint, talc has a reinforcing effect, controls viscosity, prevents sagging of paint films, improves suspension characteristics, and because of its large surface area (>12 m2/q) dictates gloss.{n Plastics, talc has a strong reinforcing effect. In Pharmaceuticals and cosmetics talc's greasy feel [lubricant or gliding], fragrance retention [talcum powder, soaps, creams, and lotions] and hiding powder are useful characteristics.

In roofing products, talc acts as a stabiliser for the melted asphalt thus increasing resistance to fire and weathering. In ceramics, talc's high fusion point (heat-stable up to 900°C), fluxing action (due to MgO), and predictive thermal expansion allow lower firing temperatures and shorter firing cycles to be achieved.

Grades We Offer

  • Talc Al , A2 & 500 mesh

  • Sunlit , Primax & Min -II